Elysian becomes signatory to UN Principles for Responsible Investment
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Elysian becomes signatory to UN Principles for Responsible Investment
Elysian Capital is pleased to announce it has become a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). The UNPRI is a global network of investors who are committed to integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their investment decision-making processes. Elysian has an active ESG programme with an annual external audit of its portfolio companies and already builds ESG considerations into its investment analysis, business improvement processes and decision-making but as a signatory, Elysian will formalise more processes and can benchmark against peers to identify further opportunities to enhance practices.
Ken Terry, Chief Executive, commented “Elysian has had an active ESG journey as evidenced by our annual APEX audits and the recent recruitment of Johnnie Graham as ESG Analyst. By joining the UNPRI, we are demonstrating our commitment to responsible investment and contributing to a more sustainable future.”